Rapid Pipe Repair Clamp

From £19.99

fast, simple to fit, reusable

The Kibosh Rapid Repair clamp is a simple to use repair clamp for accidentally perforated domestic water pipes, leaky fittings, and central heating pipes.

  • Can be fitted when the leak is still in full flow
  • Suitable for metal, plastic and multilayer pipe
  • Can be fitted in tight spaces to clipped pipes and in the notch of a joist
  • Once fitted the pipe can continue to function normally-hot or cold!
  • Can accommodate some fittings
  • Can withstand 10 Bar/150 PSI
  • Made from NON TOXIC materials
  • Reusable

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Select Size : 22mm
Colour : Yellow

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Kibosh Rapid Repair Clamps

fast, simple to fit, reusable

The Kibosh Rapid Repair clamp is a simple to use repair clamp for leaking or burst pipes.

  • Can be fitted when the leak is still in full flow
  • Suitable for metal & plastic pipes and leaking fittings
  • Fits around soldered fittings and swollen pipes
  • Once fitted the pipe can continue to function normally – hot or cold!
  • Can withstand 10 Bar/150 PSI
  • Made from NON TOXIC materials
  • No tools required, can be fitted in tight spaces and to clipped pipes.

The Kibosh Rapid Repair clamp comes in 15 mm, 16 mm/USA/CAN ½”, and 22 mm/USA/CAN ¾”. We recommend you have at least one of each size to cover every eventuality.

The simplest protection against leaking pipes.

Water damage is the #1 home insurance claim in the UK.

According to Aviva, the average cost of an insurance claim for a leaking pipe is up to £3,500. A leaking or burst pipe can ruin carpets, floors and ceilings.

You can stop leaks in seconds and save thousands with the Kibosh Emergency Pipe Repair clamp.


Stop the leak fast!

Once the leak has started, whatever the cause, the clock is ticking and the cost of the damage is growing.

Simple Fix

Of course, the first priority is always to turn the water off at the main valve. However, this is not always possible because the stopcock cannot always be found, or may not work.

Keep your Running Water

Even if you can turn the water off, the Kibosh can still be fitted over the leak, allowing you to turn the water back on so your home still has water and heating.

Invented and developed by a fully qualified Plumber.

Sizing Guide


The rapid pipe repair clamp comes in 15mm, 16mm, and 22mm. In the UK/EU the most common pipes in your home will be 15mm & 22mm. We’d recommend having one of each size in your home for emergencies.

  • It clamps shut on the burst pipe in seconds.
  • It works on metal, plastic and multi-layer pipes.
  • It accommodates large splits and leaky fittings.


The rapid pipe repair clamp comes in USA/CAN ½”,USA/CAN ¾”. We’d recommend having one of each size in your home for emergencies.

  • It clamps shut on the burst pipe in seconds.
  • It works on metal, plastic and multi-layer pipes.
  • It accommodates large splits and leaky fittings.

The Kibosh Rapid Repair clamp is an essential item for your toolbox or top drawer – just in case


Gives you peace of mind


Stops the leak in seconds


Saves you money


Gives you time to get the pipe properly repaired


Allows you to keep the water on


Reusable and great value!

But don’t just take our word for it

Your ‘Kibosh’ saved me a fortune! What had been a frozen pipe had started leaking and was discovered late one night! Luckily, had ‘ Kibosh’ with other bits and pieces kept under the sink and problem solved in under 30 seconds! Wouldn’t be without one!


Within 2 minutes of arrival, we had clicked the kibosh on and were enjoying a nice cuppa waiting for the system to drain down, no stress and best of all no water damage. The Kibosh is so easy to install I reckon my cat could do it! Would recommend…

Richard of the Hughes Brothers

Great tool to have in the van, it works! Nailed a pipe with the old Paslode this summer, ran to the van ripped the kibosh out of the box thinking this is going to be a palava. My girlfriend could have put the tool on it was so easy. This pipe repair actually works!…


Accreditations and Awards

Select Size

15mm, 16mm, 22mm


Yellow, Red